Sunday 29 January 2012

The progress so far on the actual layout.
 The baseboard is 8x4 6mm ply and woodstained
This is just a rough idea of the layout, I still have more track to purchase before I can start anything else. The buidings are mocked up in there exact final position, the track obviously needs more adding ( ignore the points on the left.)
 I just wanted to get the scale right and see what track I still need to purchase.
 The lighter coloured plywood is for the raised level of the mainline which is curved and rising from bottom to the top, the buildings and shunter sidings into the works are on a lower level.
There is also a river running through the works that's at an even lower level ,so this will mean cutting sections out of the main baseboard., rusuling in 4 levels!
But that's all way in the futere.

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